Jana Hrádková

Jana Hrádková is a graduate of the Graphic Design 2 Studio. She is engaged in illustration, book graphics, and web creation. Her work is primarily focused on the intersection of traditional and new methods (see Anthology of Unspoken below), with a focus on theory, research, and its form.


  • 2011-2015 Industrial and Art High School, Opava
  • 2015–2019 FaVU - AGD2
  • 2019-2021 FaVU - AGD2


  • 2020 Graphic Studio Dipozitiv in Prague


email: [email protected]

Anthology of Unspoken

The master’s thesis “Anthology of Unspoken” is a form of personal therapy, a coping mechanism in the form of extensive personal research presented in the form of a visually eclectic website, which maps the perception of depression and melancholy within historical, artistic, and partly scientific discourse. AoU takes the form of a website on the border of an archive, and a research blog visually reminiscent of a notepad, using texts in the form of notes, “reader view” essays, and accompanying visual material (from period paintings, pop culture references, emoticons, etc.). Thus, I am looking for means to articulate and (at least partially) understand my own problems and also answers to the questions: Is depression really a modern issue of the 21st century? And why is it so hard to talk about it? Where did the shame and guilt associated with it come from? Is melancholy a synonym for depression, or are these terms different? And is depression really a disease or just my own failure?

To answer these questions, I had to look at the very beginning. Rome wasn’t built in a day, just as depression did not appear with the advent of the new millennium, and how we perceive it today and what we know about it is the result of several centuries of information accumulation and social development.

The work is available at: https://www.anthologyofunspoken.com