Zuzana Rišiánová

Immediately after I finished my bachelor’s degree study of non-commissioned art, specifically in the Studio of Painting 1 (Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology), I decided to complete my master’s degree in the Studio of Game Media. I received training in classical oil and digital painting which over time transformed into multiple directions, new concepts and object installations. I have a long-lasting interest in the subjects of portraiture, mainstream and pop culture, which I link with personal mythology. I process the ideas with my own visual stylisation emphasising craftsmanship and appropriateness of the applied medium for the selected theme.


The diploma work called Move is the prototype of a digital game with an atmospheric-meditative character. Its interactive content is based on themes such as portraits, painterly quality, a walk and personal mythology. With the original stylisation of the theme and graphic rendering of the digital game I continue in the steps of my latest painterly cycles. I transfer the pictures into the virtual 3D space where the atmosphere is the priority. My previous approach to painting is applied in my work with the game engine and computer graphics. The digital game contains interactive elements, sound, animations and a controllable character named Mo, passing through the environment of levels. Each level in Move is simultaneously a portrait on which the players move. All have their own personality, own sound that they listen to, their own light that falls upon them and colour that characterises them. The atmosphere and experience of each personality determines their nature. Some are more consumerist, sweet or extravagant, while others are spiritual, shy or mysterious. I create mental landscapes where the player is accompanied by a neutral person with a mask who does not attempt to achieve anything. The principal function of the game is a visually interactive experience from exploring the environment which is given by the atmosphere. I take the digital game as a means of communicating an artist’s expression and with Move I want to highlight the possibilities this medium has to offer.